英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 00:53:13

to excess

英 [tu: ˈekses]

美 [tu ˈɛkˌsɛs]


  • 网络解释

1. 过分,过度,过量:excitement n.刺激;兴奋 | to excess 过分,过度,过量 | be contrary to 与...相反

2. 过渡:多於,超過 in excess of | 過渡 to excess | 在非常有利的條件下 under extremely favorable conditions

3. to excess

3. 过度:to death 极度 | to excess 过度 | to go 外卖

4. 过度,过分,过量:to some degree 有点,稍微 | to excess 过度,过分,过量 | to a certain extent 在一定程度上

  • 临近词

First and most obviously, they are less likely to smoke, drink to excess, abuse drugs or drive too fast.(首先,最明显的是他们很少抽烟、过量饮酒、滥用药物和驾驶超速。)
However, just as seemingly healthy measures, such as taking vitamins, can cause damage if done to excess, so did the Greenspan-era Federal Reserve take recession avoidance too far.(然而,正是那些看起来安全的措施,可能会因为被滥用而造成损害,这跟人体适量摄入维生素是一个道理。因此,格林斯潘时代的美联储在避免衰退方面走的太远了。)
Any benefit alcohol provides can be undone by drinking to excess.(超量饮酒不会给你带来任何好处。)
He drinks to excess.(他嗜酒无度。)
Alcohol is dehydrating to the skin, leading to excess moisture loss which can increase skin dryness.(酒精可以让皮肤脱水,导致皮肤加剧失水,而让皮肤更加的干燥。)
This is not an endorsement to drink to excess — large amounts of alcohol will damage your brain — but the occasional tipple may do you some good.(这项研究成果并不代表人们可以酗酒——过量的酒精会伤害你的大脑,偶尔的小酌才对你的身体有所帮助。)
Her spirit was high, though not rough, and qualified by a heart sensitive and lively to excess in its affections.(她的兴致总是很高,可并不粗鲁,配上一颗在感情上过度敏感和活跃的心。)
Smoking and alcohol abuse are the major causes, but 25 percent of oral cancers appear in people who have never smoked or drunk to excess.(吸烟和酗酒的确是主要病因,不过有25%的口腔癌病人从来不吸烟,也没有过量饮酒。)
As the photographer commented, look at how green the grass is in some pictures (see those below) : it is evidence of exposure to excess nitrogen.(正如摄影师所说,看看下图中的草长得如此之绿,不正是接触过多氮元素的证据吗?)
We must stop harvesting natural resources to excess and bring them back from the brink of extinction.(我们必须停止过度采伐天然资源,从他们来的地方,带来了灭绝的边缘。)
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